Cross Culture Adaptation of CASP 19 To Assess Quality of Life of Older Adults in Karachi, Pakistan

Culture Adaptation of CASP 19


  • Laila Khalfan Surani University of Wales Trinity Saint David, London, England



Quality of Life, Older People, Cross Cultural


CASP-19 (Control, Autonomy, Self-realization, and Pleasure) is a well-established and theoretically derived instrument to assess the quality of life, which has been translated into multiple languages for global application. This study provides a cross-cultural validation of CASP-19 in older adults in Karachi, Pakistan. Objective:  To assess quality of life of 50+ older adults in Karachi, Pakistan. Methods: Focus groups were used to pilot-test a translated CASP-19 survey from English to Urdu, with back translation to explore the language, cultural and conceptual similarities of the tool to the original version. A population survey was administered using cluster sampling. The translated version was administered to 100 participants from each low, middle, and high-income areas via door-to-door recruitment. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the psychometric validation of the Urdu version. A regression analysis assessed social determinants of quality of life. Results: Pilot-testing confirmed that CASP-19 has conceptual relevance to Pakistani culture in a revised CASP-13 with 6 items remove. Conclusion: CASP13 is a valid and reliable tool to assess the quality of life of 50+ older adults in Karachi.


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DOI: 10.54393/pjhs.v4i01.494
Published: 2023-01-31

How to Cite

Khalfan Surani, L. (2023). Cross Culture Adaptation of CASP 19 To Assess Quality of Life of Older Adults in Karachi, Pakistan: Culture Adaptation of CASP 19. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 4(01), 191–195.



Original Article
