Effectiveness of Kinesio-Taping and Conventional Therapy for Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain
Kinesio-Taping and Conventional Therapy for Low Back Pain
Kinesio-Taping, Spinal Stenosis, Lumbar Spondylosis, Conventional Therapy, Non-Specific Chronic Low Back PainAbstract
Chronic non-specific low back pain, which is treated in orthopedic rehabilitation settings, is a frequent musculoskeletal issue. Lumbar spondylosis, Psychogenic Low Back Pain, Spinal Stenosis and poor posture are all causing pain for the patient. Kinesio-Taping helps to reduce or eliminate discomfort. Objective: To see how effective kinesio-tapping and traditional therapy are for non-specific chronic low back pain. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study design in which 30 patients were recruited using a convenient sampling sample, with 15 individuals in each group (Group A, Kinesio-Tapping with Conventional Therapy includes stretching, strengthening and hot pack) Group B which consists solely of standard conventional therapy. An independent T-Test for inter-group comparison and a paired sample T-Test for within-group analysis were used to assess the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability and Numeric Pain Rating Scale. Results: There was a significant change between the baseline and post-treatment NRPS values. Mean difference of 10.42 and 3.14 were reported between the pretreatment and post treatment values of NPRS in KT taping Group which was significant (p-value < 0.05). Mean difference of 14.18 and 3.68 were reported between the pretreatment and post treatment values of NPRS in Conventional PT Program Group which was significant (p-value < 0.05). Conclusions: Kinesio-Taping in conjunction with Conventional Therapy is more effective than Conventional Therapy alone in treating Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain.
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