Comparison of Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide and Natural Apophyseal Glide Effects on Pain, Range of Motion and Neck Disability in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain
Comparison of Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide and Natural Apophyseal Glide Effects
Chronic neck pain, NAGS, SNAGS, NDI, VAS, cervical goniometryAbstract
Neck pain is very common in this era, and people have been suffering for many years. As the more advanced techniques of Mulligan, Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glide and Natural Apophyseal Glide are used to relieve pain, increase range of motion, and reduce neck disability in patients with chronic neck pain. Objectives: To compare the efficacy of sustained natural apophyseal glides and natural apophyseal glides in patients of with chronic neck pain. Methods: In this study, randomized clinical trial was done, a total of 45 subjects met the inclusion criteria out of which 5 were dropped out. 40 participants were included, both male and females diagnosed with chronic neck pain between the age of 25-50 years, and 20, 20 patients were randomly allocated into group A and B. Outcome measure tools were visual analog scale and Neck Disability Index (NDI) to assess. Group A received sustained natural apophyseal glides, Group B received natural apophyseal glides three times per week for 2 weeks. Results: In this study, the intragroup analysis revealed that relief of pain, improvement in range of motion, and reduction in disability were statistically significant in groups A and B (p<0.5). While Group A was statistically significant as compared to Group B. Conclusions: This study concluded that both the groups are effective, but the Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides technique was more effective in pain relief, improvement of cervical range of motion, and reduction of neck disability in patients with chronic neck pain
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