Neonatal Disease Distribution and Admission Outcomes at the District Hospital

Neonatal Disease Distribution and Admission Outcomes


  • Washdev Talreja Taluka Headquarter Hospital Rohri, Sukkur
  • Suhail Aman Faculty of Community Medicine and Public Health Sciences Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University Larkana
  • Wajid Hussain National Institute of Child Health Karachi
  • Zahid Hussain Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation Karachi
  • Irfan Ali Jhatial Department of Pediatrics, United Medical and Dental College, Karachi
  • Sapna Kewalani Aga Khan University Hospital Karachi
  • Zainab Baloch The Larkana General Hospital, Larkana
  • Muhammad Parial Shahani Faculty of Community Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University, Larkana, Pakistan



Neonates, Neonatal Morbidity, Admission Outcomes, Neonatal Mortality


The most vulnerable time for a newborn is during the neonatal period. The important factors affecting neonatal mortality during the first 28 days of life include poor antenatal care for mothers, inadequate treatment during birth, or lack of skillful care. With a rate of 48 per 1000 live births, Pakistan is ranked third in the world. This is because it accounts for 7% of all neonatal deaths globally. In Pakistan one in every 22 newborns dies within the first month of life. Objective: To evaluate the frequency and distribution of neonatal morbidity patterns and admission outcomes in district hospital Dadu, Sindh, Pakistan. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Civil Hospital Dadu which is a district hospital in Sindh. The data was obtained in 2020. Using universal sampling method, neonates’ gender, age at the time of the birth, disease patter and admission outcome were recorded. Data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel 2010. Results: Out of total 1637 admitted neonates there were 411 (25.1%) case of sepsis, BA 17.16%, preterm 14.9%, LBW 13.81%. Amongst, 789 (48.1%) were discharged after improvement, and 251(15.3%) neonates died. Conclusions: Less than half of the newborns who were admitted could improve during the admission. More than 15% of newborn deaths are alarming. The policymakers should take action to reduce early neonatal mortality by effectively managing neonatal illnesses


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How to Cite

Talreja, W. ., Aman , S. ., Hussain , W. ., Hussain, Z. ., Jhatial, I. A. ., Kewalani, S. ., Baloch, Z. ., & Parial Shahani, M. . (2022). Neonatal Disease Distribution and Admission Outcomes at the District Hospital: Neonatal Disease Distribution and Admission Outcomes. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 3(05), 37–40.



Original Article
