Frequency of Various Grades of Failure and Their Number of Units Involved in Non Maintained Metal Ceramic Fixed Dental Prosthesis

Non Maintained Metal Ceramic Fixed Dental Prosthesis


  • Saima Afridi Department of Prosthodontics, Peshawar Dental College, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Sartaj Khan
  • Muhammad Raza Department of Prosthodontics, Peshawar Dental College, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Asifullah Khan Department of Prosthodontics, Khyber College of Dentistry, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Hassan Khan Department of Prosthodontics, Peshawar Dental College, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Naila Zubair Department of Prosthodontics, Peshawar Dental College, Peshawar, Pakistan



Metal ceramic, Bridges, Units, Grades of failures, fixed partial denture


Replacement of missing teeth with fixed partial denture is high in demand, so high are the problems and failures of these prostheses if they are not maintained well. Objective: This study focused on determining the frequency of various grades of failures and the number of units involved in non-maintained fixed partial dentures in patients reporting to public sector dental hospital. Methods: A total of 216 patients, (both genders) having age ranging from 20 to 60 years, were clinically examined for failed fixed partial dentures. Various parameters of failed bridges including number of pontics and retainers were recorded by using a self-structured proforma. These prostheses were divided in six different grades as proposed by Manapallil. Mild, moderate and severe groups were used depending on the severity of failure. SPSS (version 23) was used for data analysis. Results: Out of 216 patients, a male (91) to female (125) ratio of 0.72 was found with a mean age of 47 years (SD ± 18.553). Failed prostheses in grades 1 to 4 were having a similar rate of failures (22% to 25%), while other grades of failure were less than 5%. Prosthesis service life ranged from 2 to 5 years. Almost 82% of prostheses had 4 or 5 pontics in the design of bridge with a mean number of pontics 5(SD ± 2.1) Conclusions: It was concluded that majority of failures were observed in mild and moderate groups in non-maintained fixed prostheses.


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How to Cite

Afridi, S. ., Khan, S. ., Raza, M. ., Khan, A. ., Khan, H. ., & Zubair, N. . (2022). Frequency of Various Grades of Failure and Their Number of Units Involved in Non Maintained Metal Ceramic Fixed Dental Prosthesis: Non Maintained Metal Ceramic Fixed Dental Prosthesis. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 3(05), 120–123.



Original Article
