Utilization of Postnatal Care Services and Associated Socio-Demographic Factors among Mothers in Sheikhupura
Utilization of Postnatal Care Services
Maternal Mortality, Postnatal Care, UtilizationAbstract
The general state of a population's health system can be seen in the maternal morbidity and mortality rates. Despite the obvious benefits of postnatal healthcare services literature reveal that these services are frequently underused, especially in underdeveloped countries such as Pakistan. Objective: To identify the family traits that were thought to be the biggest factor of using the available postnatal health care services. Methods: According to the nature of the study quantitative research method was used. 323 females who were not currently pregnant but had given birth to one or more children selected in the sample of the present study. Final sample was chosen using a multistage sampling technique. Binomial logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the association between family traits and the use of postnatal healthcare services. Results: Results showed that 76.5% of respondents had their postpartum hemorrhage evaluated. The majority of participants (83.6%) and those who took contraceptives after giving birth (83.1%) got breastfeeding support. Results of the current study showed that the number of postnatal care visits was significantly correlated with the husband's age, education, and family's monthly income. Postnatal care was also connected to the husband's age, education, and family income levels. Conclusions: According to the study's conclusions, education should be targeted towards enhancing the significance of postnatal care services. To address the issue of health care service utilization, policy level actions are required to maximize the ratio of the utilization of postnatal care services.
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