Synthesis, Characterization and Drug Release Study of Novel Guided Tissue Regeneration Membranes Containing Drug Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles
Tissue Regeneration Membranes Containing Chitosan Nanoparticles
Chitosan Nanoparticles, GTR Membrane, Drug Loaded Nanoparticles, CiprofloxacinAbstract
Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease which can cause the destruction of the supporting tissues of the tooth leading to tooth loss. The guided tissue regeneration is considered as a gold standard for its treatment but the re-infection of surgical site limits its overall success. Objective: To synthesize novel monolayer guided tissue regeneration (GTR) membrane containing drug loaded chitosan nanoparticles and to evaluate the drug release from the synthesized GTR membranes. Methods: The chitosan nanoparticles containing ciprofloxacin were synthesized by the ionotropic gelation method and these synthesized nanoparticles were added into chitosan GTR membrane fabricated by the freeze gelation method. For comparison GTR membrane was prepared as a control by freeze gelation method in which the drug was added directly. The prepared membranes were characterized by the SEM and FTIR. The drug release was measured from the membrane samples in the phosphate buffer saline (PBS) at 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days. Results: The GTR membrane containing the ciprofloxacin loaded chitosan nanoparticles showed fast drug release as compared to the membrane in which the ciprofloxacin was added directly. Conclusions: The inclusion of antibiotic loaded chitosan nanoparticles can increase the drug release from GTR membrane.
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