Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Life Among Nurses Working in Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospitals of Peshawar, A Correlational Study
Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Life among Nurses
Psychosocial risk factors, Quality of life, Nurse, Tertiary careAbstract
Psychosocial risk factors at nurse’s work environment are the major threat to the professional well-being and health of nurses. Nurses in developing countries like Pakistan are not appreciated and valued as greatly as compared to Western states which are evinced by their very low pays and poor work conditions. These can lead to different consequences like affecting work abilities and poor quality of life. Objectives: To evaluate psychosocial risk factors and quality of life among nurses working in public sector tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar. Methods: A cross sectional (correlational) study was conducted to assess relationship between “Psychosocial risk factors” and “quality of life” (QOL) among registered nurses at public sector tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar. Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and WHO quality of life scales were used for data collection. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results: The mean age of nurses was mean 28.95 ±5.25 SD. In term of psychosocial risk factors, participants reported high mean score in all factors. Regarding quality of life, majority 63% reported having “Poor” while only 37% nurses have “Good” quality of life. There was negative correlation between quantitative demands, work pace, emotional demands, burnout and stress and offensive behaviours with participant’s quality of life (p-value 0.001). While positive correlation was observed between recognition, social support and quality of life among studied nurses. Conclusions: This study found multiple factors of psychosocial environment at public sector hospitals of Peshawar. The poor psychosocial environment has potential influence on overall health and quality of life of nurses.
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