Experiences of Post Esophagectomy Patients Admitted in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Pakistan

Experiences of Post Esophagectomy Patients


  • Ishrat Shaheen College of Nursing Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Dildar Muhammad Institute of Nursing Sciences Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Sehrish Naz Institute of Nursing Sciences Khyber Medical University, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Hina Ajmal Naseem Nursing Institute and Public Health School, Peshawar, Pakistan
  • Israr Ahmad Ruphaida College of Nursing, Peshawar, Pakistan




Experiences, Perspectives, Esophagectomy


Patients having esophageal cancer can experience psychological, emotional, physical, social, financial and spiritual changes following surgery. Exploration of such challenges, particularly from the Patient’s perspective has been limited in Pakistan. Objective:  To explore the experiences of post-esophagectomy patients admitted in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Pakistan. Methods: A qualitative phenomenological study was conducted on ten patients having esophagectomy admitted at Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar. Participants were selected through None Probability purposive sampling technique. Permission was taken from concerned departments as well as from participants before data collection. An interview topic guide was used for Face-to-face individual, in-depth interviews. Audio recorded, transcribed, and analyzed through thematic analysis. Results: Five major themes were constructed i.e., Physical changes, psychological effects, social issues and support, financial issues, acceptance, and adjustment to a new changed way of life.  Conclusions: Post-esophagectomy patients need full support in adjustment to their physical, psychological, emotional, social, financial, and spiritual aspects of life. Family, friends, and society could be an effective channel in this regard. Government should provide medical and financial support to such patients for their treatment as well as for their rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Shaheen, I. ., Muhammad, D. ., Naz, S. ., Ajmal, H. ., & Ahmad, I. . (2023). Experiences of Post Esophagectomy Patients Admitted in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar Pakistan: Experiences of Post Esophagectomy Patients. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 4(02), 46–50. https://doi.org/10.54393/pjhs.v4i02.515



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