The comparison of Muscle Energy Techniques with Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises in subjects with Sacroiliac joint Dysfunction

Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises in subjects with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction


  • Amna Khalid College of Physical Therapy, Government College University Faisalabad
  • Muddasira Bashir College of Physical Therapy, Government College University Faisalabad
  • Soha Ikram College of Physical Therapy, Government College University Faisalabad
  • Jawad Ahmad College of Physical Therapy, Government College University Faisalabad
  • Maham Athar Department of Physical Therapy, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Awais ul Mustafa College of Physical Therapy, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan



SIJ Dysfunction, MET, Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises, Disability, hot pack, Low back pain


SIJ Dysfunction designates pain in and around sacroiliac joint area mostly due to hypermobility (excessive movement) or hypomobility (less movement) between the articulating surfaces ultimately leading to pain and discomfort of SIJ. SIJ Dysfunction is 13-30% prevalent with low back pain. Objectives: To compare the effect of Muscle Energy Techniques with Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises on pain and disability in subjects with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Methods: It was a Quasi Experimental study in which purposive sampling was used to collect data from Government hospitals of Faisalabad after meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria. 20 subjects with SIJ Dysfunction were randomly allocated into two groups (Group A and Group B). Group A (n=10) received hot pack and MET exercises for 10 days and group B (n=10) received hot pack and core muscle strengthening exercises for 10 days. Evaluation of pain and functional status was done by Visual Analogue Scale and Modified Oswestry Disability Index respectively. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 16. Results: There was no significant difference between the effects of Muscle Energy Technique and Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises on pain and disability in SIJ Dysfunction. Both interventions were equally effective. Conclusions: MET and Core Muscle Strengthening exercises both were effective for improving pain and disability in SIJ Dysfunction. MET was also effective in improving range of motion in case of hypo mobile joint.


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How to Cite

Khalid , A. ., Bashir, M. ., Ikram, S. ., Ahmad, J. ., Athar, M., & ul Mustafa, A. . (2022). The comparison of Muscle Energy Techniques with Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises in subjects with Sacroiliac joint Dysfunction: Core Muscle Strengthening Exercises in subjects with Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 3(04), 198–202.



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